NUOVI ARRIVI: immagini Vintage e Polaroid
NUOVI ARRIVI: immagini Vintage e Polaroid
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I divertenti ArtToy Be@rbrick.

I divertenti ArtToy Be@rbrick.

I Be@rbrick sono degli Art Toy prodotti dall’azienda giapponese MediCom Toy Incorporated.  Dal loro anno di nascita, 2001, questi oggetti d’arte e arredamento hanno rivoluzionato totalmente la concezione delle action figures e si sono consacrati a icone della street culture. I be@rbrick sono orsi antropomorfi, di forma estremamente semplificata e pancia rotonda. Ogni figura ha otto punti di articolazione, essendo divisa in nove parti: testa, busto, fianchi, braccia, mani e gambe. Il 27 Maggio del 2001 i primi Be@rbrick prodotti vennero utilizzati come regalo nella World Character Convention 12 a Toky. Da quel giorno la produzione diventò incessante e dal...

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The "Balloon Dogs" by Jeff Koons at the Domi Gallery

The "Balloon Dogs" by Jeff Koons at the Domi Gallery

On 15 May 2019, Christie's sold a stainless steel sculpture of a rabbit for 91.1 million dollars. The work was by Jeff Koons, the world's most highly valued artist. Jeffrey Koons was born in York, Pennsylvania, in 1955. After studying at the Art Institute of Chicago, he moved to New York in the late 1970s, fascinated by the Pop Art movement. He began working at the Museum of Modern Art, designing his first sculptures of rabbits and flowers using a mixture of plastic and plexiglass. His career took off in the 80s thanks to two works of art: "The New"...

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Herbert List and his photograph "Portofino".

Herbert List and his photograph "Portofino".

Herbert List was born in Hamburg in 1903. He studied literature at the University of Heidelberg and returned to Hamburg in 1924 to work as a trainee in his father's coffee importing business, la List & Heineken. He became a businessman and then a solicitor; it was during one of his many business trips that he discovered his passion for photography, as a hobby with no artistic intention. But suddenly he realised that he was more interested in photography than in his actual work. He began to study artists such as De Chirico, René Magritte and Man Ray and soon...

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Art as a gift: a short guide

Art as a gift: a short guide

Finding the right gift for friends and family can sometimes be difficult. Sometimes it all seems unnecessary, predictable and banal. In a consumer society like ours, where "everyone has everything", it can be a challenge to find something beautiful and adapt it to the person and the moment. So maybe the time has come to consider something different, like a work of art. A painting, a sculpture, a photograph, chosen for the person we love. It's a kind of gift made to measure for any moment worth celebrating: weddings, birthdays, a goal achieved. Few gifts are truly unforgettable, and a...

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L'iconico LOVE di Robert Indiana.

L'iconico LOVE di Robert Indiana.

Siamo sicuri che tutti avrete visto quest’opera iconica, apparsa nelle piazze e nei musei di tutto il mondo, su gadget, poster, cartoline, perfino borse della nota marca Longchamp. Ma conoscete la storia della sua creazione? Ve la raccontiamo noi.  Robert Indiana, nato Robert Clark, nasce nel Maine nel 1928, si trasferisce a New York appena ventenne e comincia a lavorare come scenografo, costumista teatrale e artista, sperimentando con la cosiddetta "arte commerciale", per poi virare verso una linea creativa che chiamò "poesia scultorea".  Negli anni '60 apparteneva orgogliosamente al movimento della Pop Art ma non poteva neanche immaginare di essere...

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